Are you a business owner seeking cash for your business? If you are like many of the people we have spoken to, you are finding it hard to get a traditional loan. Have you considered a merchant cash advance? It just may be the solution you are seeking.
I know that there is a lot of misinformation out there about
. If you can put any preconceived ideas to the side for a moment, I may be able to show you that there are many benefits to using this approach rather than a bank loan. Once you understand the benefits, you can get a better understand why so many business are using a merchant cash advance these days. We, at The Business Cash Advance Company, are well versed in this field and help hundreds of business owners, just like you, get the cash they need to run and grow their businesses.
merchant cash advance
. If you can put any preconceived ideas to the side for a moment, I may be able to show you that there are many benefits to using this approach rather than a bank loan. Once you understand the benefits, you can get a better understand why so many business are using a merchant cash advance these days. We, at The Business Cash Advance Company, are well versed in this field and help hundreds of business owners, just like you, get the cash they need to run and grow their businesses.
The first benefit is approval rate. If you have tried to get a business loan from the bank and been denied you are in good company. More than 83% of business owners who have applied recently were turned down for a loan. That is a lot of rejections. Why are there so many? Well, the banks do not like risk. They only lend to people with credit scores they deem to be high enough. If you have a credit score under 725, let’s say, your chances of getting approved are slim to none.
The funny thing about this is that business is all about risk. You're an entrepreneur. Risk is your middle name. You had to take risks to build your business. A merchant cash advance rewards you for your ability to survive in the business world. We look at your income. If you have sufficient income, you get a merchant cash advance. We do not let credit issues stand in the way of you and your approval. Banks look at your past to determine if you are worthy of their loan. We look at your future potential. If we like what we see, you are approved.
Did you know that we approve over 90% of the people who apply for our advances? So 9 out of 10 get approved with us and less than 1 out of 5 with them. It is no wonder that so many more business are turning to merchant cash advances these days. Why wouldn’t they?
Here is another reason. Our way is much faster. Our application form has only a few lines to fill out. It can literally be done in minutes. Minutes. How can this be? Well, we do not examine every facet of your personal and business life to deem you worthy, like the banks do. We are really just interested in your revenue history and future potential. It makes for a very easy application.
Once you complete our merchant cash advance application, it only takes us hours to give you an approval. We generally approve our applicants within one business day. It truly can be that fast. We have stunned so many of our clients with the speed in which we give them their approvals notices. Hearing their happiness never gets old. It is one of the side benefits to our positions.
If you thought they were happy with the fast approvals, think how happy they are when a large sum of cash hits their bank just a few short days later. We fund your merchant cash advance loan in days. So from the time you contact us, fill out the minimal paperwork needed and the funds hit your bank, it can be only days for the entire process to take place. That can be a very valuable tool for you as a business owner. We can now lend up to $2,000,000 in just days.
How powerful is that for you and your business? What would you do to grow your business with access to that type of fast funding? I am sure that you can think f so many uses and ways to grow. Cash is king. You can use it to get better rates on inventory or services. Lowering your overhead might even net a better bottom line even after you pay back the advance. We have had many of our merchant cash advance customers report back big grow gains due to their ability to have a large sum of capital to use as leverage.
Approval rates are one thing, fast cash is another. Did you know that a merchant cash advance is actually safer than a bank loan? I can almost hear the disbelief from many as they read that last sentence. But it is true. A business cash advance loan is unsecured. That means there are no collateral requirements.
Collateral is a way a bank can ensure they remain safe throughout the loan process. They want you to put something at risk, usually of high value, in case you don’t repay them. That can be a risky proposition for many business owners. You work hard. You may bruise your credit, but you build your business. You gain equipment from your efforts. You go to the bank looking for expansion money. If they do not rule you out due to credit, they will still eye that pretty new piece of equipment your business owns. They say they will lend you the money if you put that piece on the line.
Why would you even consider this when a merchant cash advance is a viable option? It is unsecured. Do not risk losing your business assets. You worked hard for them. In our arrangement, we take the risk. Be safe. Stay away from a risky bank loan. If you lose, you really lose.
Here is another advantage I want to point out. Our payback option is better for businesses. How do you pay back a bank loan? You write a check each month to cover the note. What if you had a bad month or two? The bank doesn’t care. They want their check. If you fail to pay, they get that shiny new piece of equipment you used as collateral. A merchant cash advance works with the business owner.
If you would like to learn more about our merchant cash advance program, call us toll free email us You can also visit our website. We offer free, no hassles advice for anyone interested in learning more about their options. let’s see if we can match you up with the best business cash advance program possible.
I have found here lots of interesting information from this blog,Thanks for sharing!Have you heard the term, Merchant Cash Advance recently? It is becoming a very popular way to hold your business over during a cash flow lull.You can avail your quick Merchant cash advance loans by submitting your request at shorttermcredits and get the amount as soon as possible